Friends Relations Countrymen
So where was I? Oh yes, Sam had just been given a diagnosis of ASC - Probably Aspergers and it was now time to tell our family and friends. We hadn't shared our concerns with anyone apart ftom one cousin and the health visitor so we were not looking forward to telling the world. As it happened it wasn't as bad as we feared, although a few people said that they had been worried about Sam but didn't want to say anything. Ok, they were not to know that we were already seeking specialist advice so it would not have made any difference to getting him diagnosed as early as we did but had this not been the case then these worries could have been the spark to get the ball rolling. It is never easy to tell someone that their child is possibly not the same as their peers and some parents would likely react angrily or be in denial if you raised the issue - it could even lead to the end of a friendship. Sometimes being so close to the situation means you don't always s...