
Showing posts from November, 2018

When Plan A Is Not Enough

We're all going to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow...or the seaside...or some other prearranged alternative A s I've said before, we have a 17 year old son called Sam who is on the Autistic Spectrum. Sam is now a model of (almost) perfect behaviour but this wasn't always the case.... In the early days nothing upset Sam more than suddenly changing the plan. Cancelling a pre-planned event, changing a destination or just switching his expected sandwich filling. This almost drove us mad until we realised exactly what was causing the random meltdowns. F or instance, we had a number of occasions when I needed picking up from work and we always used the same route home. However one day we'd decided to stop off at the local supermarket on the way home. When we turned left instead of right at the roundabout Sam started to cry and shout. In-between wracking sobs (his, not ours) we managed to elicit that he was upset because we had deviated from our normal route. He was s